Important Info

About the House

First Thing’s First…

Wifi Information:

The Wifi network is PrettyFlyForAWifi.
The password is nantucket.
The modems are in the office if they need to be reset.


emergency information

If dialing from a US number, first dial: 011-506

Emergency Numbers


Red Cross
Tourist Police
OIJ (Special Investigation – Nicoya)

Please report suspicions activities, robbers, burglaries to the tourist police to help make our community safer.


Medical Assistance

2682-1212 (English and Spanish)
8823-7594 (English and Spanish)
2682-0404 (office)

Paradise Medical Center, Playa Guiones
Dr. Kattia Porras                                 

Centro Medico Nosara   

Poison Control


Wildlife and Animal Emergency Numbers

8824-3323 (English and Spanish, emergency only)

2682-0735 (English and Spanish)

8373-1925 (Spanish)

Refuge for Wildlife
Local wildlife only, not domesticated pets
Safari Animal Clinic
Leave a message; they check messages frequently
Dr. Randell, Nosara Vet


Home Related Emergency

BPIICR Property Manager

WhatsApp: +506 8945-7062
-Ryan (Primary Contact)
- Yan (Partner)

Alarm- Hard Security Olmedo 506-88217795
Builder- Oscar Monge Cell: 506-8341-2140


For When You’re Leaving

  • Put dirty towels in a pile on the bathroom floor.

  • You do not need to strip the beds.

  • Take out the trash there are two barrels down at the base of the driveway one for trash and one for recyclables.

  • Wash any dishes.

  • Turn off the air conditioning units and ceiling fans.

  • Close the windows and lock doors.

  • Close blinds.

  • Turn off lights and any small appliances such as the coffee maker.





1. Security
As you leave the house, make sure that you have locked all the doors and closed all the windows.
Safe:  The property managers will show you how to enter your own combination and they can access the safe in case of emergency such as a forgotten combination or dead batteries.  Please use the safe for your valuables, such as money, passports, plane tickets, laptops, iPods, and jewelry.
Alarm:  The property managers will show you how to use the alarm.  Please set the alarm every time you leave the house.
Do not leave anything that you value outside, on the porch, or close to windows.

2. No Smoking
Please respect our policy of no smoking (unless it’s the good stuff) inside or outside the house.

3. Toilets
Please do not put toilet paper of feminine products in toilet, but use the wastebasket provided to dispose of sanitary items.

4. Wet Clothes
Please do not wear wet swimsuits or clothes on the furniture.  Please use the beach towels for the pool and beach, you have extra towels in the laundry room.

5. Garden and Pool
Oliver is in charge of maintaining the garden and cleaning the pool.  He does not have keys to the house.  He will come daily except on Sundays.

6. Garbage and Recycling
The garbage can is close to the road on your left hand side.  Please make sure that everything is in plastic bags, as the trash persons will not pick them up otherwise.  You may put plastic, aluminum, and glass in separate provided clear bags.  They will be sorted at the dump.


Safety and Security


Theft happens in Nosara.  The most sought-after items are lap tops, tablets, phones, cameras, and cash, as well as board shorts, rash guards, and flip flops that are left on patios overnight.

Our suggestion to safeguard your belongings include:

  • Every time you leave the home, use all the security features available such as safes, house alarm.

  • Leave porch lights and an inside light on before leaving for the dinner. While we do not like to waste electricity, we often leave the TV on the second floor on when we are out.

  • Lock all the windows and doors every time you leave the home.

  • Keep items out of sight and do not leave items near open windows.

  • Do not leave valuables on patio tables during the day while you nap, bring them inside.

  • Do not leave boardshorts, rash guards, bathing suits, or flip flops outside on patios overnight.

  • Always lock your vehicle and never leave valuables in unattended vehicles.

  • Do not leave valuables unattended in public places at any time.

  • The security guard from Kennel Security does patrol the street and this property. However, if you would like an additional private guard you can arrange one through Kennel Security, listed above.

If you do experience theft, call the local tourist police so they can make a report.  If assistance is needed with translation, please call MPM for phone assistance.  See emergency phone numbers.



The ocean is unpredictable.  The waves are sometimes big and conditions can change rapidly.
Rip tides occur on our local shore sand they can be very dangerous.  Avoid brownish water sections, sometimes foamy, as they will indicate rip currents that can pull swimmers out to sea very quickly.



Please no bonfires on the beaches as sea turtles are known to sometimes lay eggs on the beaches of Playa Guiones and Playa Pelada.  Do not leave valuables unattended at the beach for obvious reasons.  Be careful walking at night; walk with a partner or a group whenever possible and carry a flashlight.