What to Expect




The Infrastructure is Likely not What You’re Accustomed To
Visitors can expect temporary interruptions to services such as electricity, internet, and water.  Especially during the busy holiday weeks when resources are limited due to high demand.

The house is on a septic system.  While it is effective, it is fragile. Please do not flush used toilet paper or feminine hygiene products in the toilet.  Discard used toilet paper and feminine hygiene products in the trash bin provided.

Air Conditioners
Electricity in the area is a very high utility cost.  Please help conserve energy by turning off/down the AC in unoccupied rooms and turning off/down the AC every time you leave the home.  It takes less than 10 minutes to cool a room.  Failure to do so or running the units with doors and windows open will cause the system to freeze up and since you are in the jungle, getting it fixed will take some time.

Electricity Outages
Interruptions to power is normal in Nosara.  The power returns within minutes, if not seconds, unless it’s due to a larger occurrence, i.e. storm that has knocked over a nearby power line.

If the power remains off for a length of time, please check your neighbor’s home to see if they have power.  If they do not have power, there is likely an outage in the area.  If they do have power, then the issue could be specific to the home at which point contact Mario at Bliss Properties.

Interruptions to Wi-Fi Connections
Nosara has fairly reliable internet, however, there can be interruptions in service for several reasons:

  • Loss of power.  If the power goes out, so will the internet.

  • Thunderstorms.  Occasionally lightening or heavy rains will damage a modem or phone line.  The local eclectic company will need to replace the modem or repair the outside line.  It can take anywhere form 12-24 business hours for replacement and repair.

  • Growth and development.  Nosara is a rapidly growing community.  On occasion, the utility company will notify us of a temporary interruption in service on a given day.  We will do our best to notify guests in advance.

  • Busy holiday weeks. It’s not uncommon for the internet to slow down when demand is high due to the number of visitors in the area.

If the internet goes down, there are hotels and cafes nearby that may have service.

Water Shortages and Temporary Shut Offs
Water conservation is required during the dry season months of December through April.  Not only is there no rainfall, but it is also the busiest time for visitors and water is in high demand.
At some point during the dry season, it is not uncommon for the water company to turn off the public water to allow time for the local wells to refill.  When this happens, water is generally turned off in the early evening and service is resumed in the morning.
We do have a backup tank; however, the supply is limited and conservation is very important, especially if you’re traveling with a large group. If you are not comfortable occasionally taking a shower by jumping in the pool, then Nosara may not be for you.